Strange Archives: Episode 2 Out Now

Hello hello! I’ve been fiendishly devouring podcasts while on my morning runs recently. Partly to prevent my body from protesting about continued movement, and partly as research for my work with Progress Pop’s podcast ‘Strange Archives’.

This fascinating series explores bizarre and forgotten events that helped shape the world as we know it today. It’s like the ‘Twilight Zone’, except everything actually happened. It’s fascinating stuff, and I’m thrilled to be part of the team on this project.

In addition to writing the theme music, I’m also scoring each episode with a plethora of textures and swirls to add to the mystery of the stories told.

Episode 2 ‘America’s Ghost Army’ is out now, wherever you find your podcasts.


New Podcast(s)

Very pleased to announce I’ve been working on custom music for a couple of podcasts, the first of which is out now!

Project Pulso is a non-profit media start up that shares news, history, and cultural stories, for Latinos, by Latinos. Their new podcast is available on all the usual platforms. Here’s the link for Google - that’s how I consume my podcasts.

More episodes of this to come, and watch out for announcements about other new shows I’m writing for!